a plague o' both your houses

a plague o' both your houses

Friday, September 18, 2009

Quote Today

"If many people believe one thing, regardless of how absurd, power is created. If only a few people believe the right thing, the power of God is discovered."

"At the end of the day, people might not like me, but at the very least I'm interesting."

"Whenever my life flashes before my eyes, I laugh."

"If walking on water and coming back from the dead wasn't good enough for you, what would be?"

"Out of all the evils in life, mine have bothered me most."

"Truth can only be proven wrong by those who believe lies."

"Have a greater effect on others than they have on you."

"If you don't like where you are, leave. If you don't like where you've been, don't go back."

"Nearly everyone can write, yet almost nobody writes well."

"My scars remind me of the things I have done, not the things I have done wrong."

"Most of the people who died today believed they would live yesterday."

"You can't change people, but you can change the world by changing your mind."

"Legalize pot? Sure, right after we solve that pesky alcohol and tobacco problem."

"Be true to yourself; Friends, family, and lovers come and go, but the only person in your deathbed will be you."

"If you are the the best at everything you do, maybe you should be doing more difficult things."

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